Apple Pie Oatmeal

Threw together the most delicious breakfast last night for my menfolk to enjoy this morning.  Like the title says, it was apple pie oatmeal and it was delicious.  I’m sure it’s been done before but I will write out a recipe anyway for those who might want it. (the muffins in the background are also delicious and the recipe can be found at the following link Chocolate Chip Muffins)

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  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 2 small apples (or one large.  I used MacIntosh apples)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar


  1. Mix water, milk and oats in a saucepan.  Bring to a simmer over medium to low heat stirring often until oats are soft and liquid starts to thicken.
  2. Grate the apples with a cheese grater.
  3. If this is being made ahead take off the heat before oatmeal is fully thickened.  Will help it not dry out too much by breakfast time in the morning.  If it is to be eaten immediately, cook till oatmeal is desired doneness.  Stir in grated apples, cinnamon and brown sugar.
  4. If this was made ahead just microwave it for a minute or two and stir.
  5. Enjoy.

This recipe made enough for one man sized portion, one boy sized and there was just enough left so mum could have some too.

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After we enjoyed our apple pie oatmeal, The Boy and I got to enjoy walking in this wonderland to daycare.

One thought on “Apple Pie Oatmeal

  1. […] bread oatmeal this time.  It’s exactly the same as Apple Pie Oatmeal except I’m replacing the apples with finely chopped bananas.  I will try it with mashed […]


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