The Witching Hour

It’s just after midnight.  It’s very quiet right now.  I can hear the snake slithering around in his habitat.  The new dog gnawing on a chewtoy.  My keys clicking as I type.  Otherwise it’s nice and peaceful right now.

Many people don’t get why I stay up way past a sensible bedtime.  Would I benefit from a full 8 hours of sleep?  Probably.  Would I get more accomplished if I got enough sleep and didn’t hit a wall and doze off at 2 pm every day? Probably.  Would I start to go stark raving mad from lack of quiet, no demands, no one touching me, no stream of constant and unending chatter, no tasks to do but what I feel like doing?  Definitely!!!  I need this time.  I thought I might have it happen during the day once The Boy started kindergarten.  I thought that while he was at school for the afternoon I would have the opportunity to get some stuff done and have a chance to drink a HOT cup of coffee and a have a sit down and get some uninterrupted stitching in.  Turns out, 2.5 hours is not long enough.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s better than nothing, but it simply is not enough time to do what needs to be done and spend some time doing me stuff.

So, I stay up way past midnight.  That’s when I do most of my writing.  Get most of my stitching done.  Bought some fabulous yarn with my Chistmas money.  I’ve promised the hubster that I’ll actually keep what I’m making with it.  I may even keep that promise.


It is so very me, this lovely green yarn.  The blanket is meant to go on top of my plain duvet on my bed.  I may even start to actually make the bed just to show this one off.

Well, that’s what’s on my mind tonight.  I’m about to go work on a project and I’m a bit excited for tomorrow.  Starting a new yoga program and my second workout is tomorrrow.  Still have to go out and get myself a proper mat.  Made due for the first workout but the hard floor is hell on my knees.  It’s a good, hard but not too hard, workout called DDP Yoga.  It was designed by a wrestler named Diamond Dallas Page to help himself get through the assorted injuries and pain he suffered as a result of his time in the ring.  It grew into a whole yoga program and has helped tons of people with pain control, weight loss and general fitness.  I liked the first workout.  Usually, when I try something like this, I know right away that I don’t like it.  I hate working out.  I hate aerobics and weights and cardio.  I love the pool but don’t have one so that’s an occasional treat.  This one seems like something I can do and maybe even enjoy.  One of the instructions was to take a bunch of pictures of myself.  The “Before” photos.  Gonna do that tomorrow too.  Perhaps, someday, I’ll put them up here with the after photos.

Here’s to quiet and feeling optimistic.